A unique and original book written specifically for you and those your legacy touches
Your Anakainōsis book will be inspired by your discovery journey in the 6-month program. 200-400 pages, edged with gold or silver glimmer, crystalizing your values, principles, and faith along with the edifying guidance provided by the team of experts. The book will stand as an unapologetic monument to a life of striving for greatness to better serve those whom you love.
Optionally uploaded to the Arweave permanent content storage blockchain
guaranteeing 200 years of digital safekeeping
Ensuring future generations' access to the digital book
Not exactly, the Anakainōsis book will be something between a biography, a holistic health guide, a powerful pragmatic lifestyle manual, and a philosophy book.
Certainly! But with this program, you're entrusting the author and the expert consulting team to distill from the deep-dive discovery calls with you and your whole genome sequencing a bespoke blueprint for a vigorous, long life of meaning, joy, and beauty. You're paying for us to uncover the uncut gems deep within you and enshrine them in the pages of the book. So be prepared to be pleasantly surprised by what you read in it after the program!
Perhaps you're thinking...
If you ultimately have control over what goes in the book, how do I know you're not going to put something in it that's going to make me look bad to future generations?
All details about yourself and your history that you share with us in the discovery calls and follow-up coaching are absolutely confidential. Any sensitive areas or facts about yourself that you want to remain private will NOT go into the book. Beyond serving you personally, the purpose of the book is to serve as the cornerstone of your legacy. Be assured that your magnanimity will eclipse your flaws in the pages of the book.
Not simply Anakainosis as in the conceptual renditions here, the title is something we'll work together on in the program. Book cover or spine attribution will be...
By Jonathan Roseland
For [Your Name]
The book will be finished in the 7th month after the program and we can send you the digital edition then. However, the creation of the masterpiece-print of the book is very time-consuming and the artisan does have a waitlist so expect to receive it 1-3 months after the program concludes.
I'm on some very potent creativity-promoting smart drugs and Nootropics that make me a relentlessly productive writer. And I'm not really writing it alone, the expert team that you'll also be consulting with in the program will contribute key insights and modules to the book's chapters. Finally, I have your history, life experiences, and most passionately held values to serve as inspiration. You're urged not to hold back in the four 90-minute discovery calls that we'll begin your 6-month program with as the depths we reach in those calls will give me grand narratives underlying your book.
200-400 pages - long enough to be richly informative and edifying but not intimidating to the reader.
In the USA, in Vermont.
That would be me, Jonathan Roseland. I'm the author of two books and over a thousand articles on Biohacking, health, philosophy, and personal growth which you can find on LimitlessMindset.com. If you aren't already familiar with my writing style and range please check out either of my two previous books or...
Why I’m optimistic about the future...
The Epigenetic B-Vitamin for Smarter Genes
Don’t give a damn about happiness
16 things you didn't know about the ultimate creativity smart drug
A Spy in Kyiv?
9 hacks for STAYING 29-years-old
Atlantis existed. [Book review of Graham Hancock’s "Magicians of the Gods"]
You’re Being Royally F*cked by Lectins! [Book Review of “The Plant Paradox” by Dr. Steven Gundry]
I forgot what D’Artagnan taught me and got my dick BURNED by a LASER
Why can't I find Jonathan Roseland on Amazon.com?
My second book was a dating and relationships guide for men. In it, I detailed how single men in modernity can find and seduce the enduring affections and commitment of a virtuous woman. My loving wife of 5-years helped me write the book, actually.
It's impossible to speak frankly to men about women without offending the ever-changing, nonsensical, and hysterical sensibilities of our big-tech overlords. Someone at Amazon.com deemed the book unacceptable by their vague standards, and they demanded I make changes to the book to maintain my author account there. I refused so they removed both my books from their catalog.
The full rights to the books are vested with you upon its completion. You can print and publish it if you desire (something we would be happy to help with). We will be creating a copy of the masterpiece-print of the book for the private Limitless Mindset library here and we would request rights from you to showcase photos or brief samples of your book on the Anakainōsis website.
Yes, at the cost of $800 per re-production of the original Masterpiece Edition. As these are handmade there may be subtle differences between copies of the book. These are very time-consuming to produce for the artisan who does have a waitlist so please allow several additional months for production.
There is a lower-priced "just the book" option (with the same 6 payment plan available) where you would do the 4 discovery conversations and 6 months of lean Biohacking/life coaching with Jonathan Roseland which your Anakainōsis book will be based on.
The book and the Anakainōsis program are about legacy. And legacy, I contend, is not vain. Your legacy is what you do in this life echoes in eternity. Your legacy is the exponential network effect reverberating into the future of the dedication, excellence, loyalty, wisdom, knowledge, presence, and love that you bring to your work, your family, your relationships, and your community. The book will stand as an unapologetic monument to a life of striving for greatness to better serve those whom you love - if that's not you this program is not for you.
the flagship transformational program offered by
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