What does Anakainōsis mean?

This is a Greek word meaning a renewal, renovation, complete change for the better, that also gets translated often as transformation.

This word is found in one of the more profound verses of the New Testament of The Bible, in Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

 What does this verse really mean?  IS THIS A RELIGIOUS PROGRAM?

The Anakainōsis Story

What's in the program

Scope of consulting & coaching
Anti-Aging & Longevity
Anti-Aging & Longevity
Advanced Mindset Transformation
Advanced Mindset Transformation
Neuroplasticity Stimulation
Neuroplasticity Stimulation
Holistic Hormonal Optimization
Holistic Hormonal Optimization
Exercise & Fitness
Exercise & Fitness
Mind & Memory Upgrades
Mind & Memory Upgrades
Predictive Preventative Medicine
Predictive Preventative Medicine
Diet Optimization
Diet Optimization
Productivity Hacking
Productivity Hacking
Sex Hacking
Sex Hacking
Social Dynamics Training
Social Dynamics Training
Motivational Psychology
Motivational Psychology
Life Purpose Discovery
Life Purpose Discovery
Legacy Planning
Legacy Planning
Jungian Psychology
Jungian Psychology
Trauma & Shadow Work
Trauma & Shadow Work

The Process

Month 1
Four 90-Minute Discovery Conversations
  1. Your Biohacking and Nootropics regimen - what biohacks you've tried, what's working, and what isn't.
  2. Current state of your life - goals, relationships, fears, vices, addictions - what challenges you are struggling with.
  3. Your life experiences along with your values, principles, beliefs, faith, and ideology.
  4. What is your exponential 10X Blue Ocean - what might you do better than anyone else on Earth?

Receive genotyping kit, perform painless swab, and send back for sequencing

Personal accountability coaching

Month 2
Consult with lifestyle design-focused expert team

On current challenges, goals, and habits

Complete Self-Determination Flowchart

Personal accountability coaching

Month 3
Consult with psychology-focused expert team

On your mindset, personal history, and relationships

Personal accountability coaching

Expect full genotyping report this month

Month 4
Consult with health-focused expert team

On Biohacking, exercise regimen, cognitive enhancement, and hormone optimization, along with personalized supplementation, and Nootropic stack recommendations

Personal accountability coaching

Month 5
Consult with genetic analysis expert team

On longevity strategy, along with predictive and preventative medicine

Personal accountability coaching

Month 6
Consult with legacy-focused expert team

On life purpose, mission, and values enshrinement

Receive individualized longevity and health blueprint

Personal accountability coaching

90-minute call - program retrospective

The Anakainōsis program

Delivers four pillars of unprecedented value
Limitless health and longevity
Limitless health and longevity
Enshrinement of legacy
Enshrinement of legacy
Discovery of meaning
Discovery of meaning
Enduring tangible beauty
Enduring tangible beauty

More about Anakainōsis

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the flagship transformational program offered by

Limitless Mindset

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